Translation of the article:
"When friendship is intercontinental"
From Houston to Budrio to help their peers in painting Filopanti school in Budrio.
There aren't many generous people in the world like the Houston students from Texas.
At the end of the week at the English Sport Camp Exch@nge a Service project was organised where kids from Budrio (aged 12-17 years old) worked alongside their American peers to paint corridors and classrooms in the middle school Filopanti.
Students from Houston were involved in serving miles away from their homes.
This project, with the support of the Town-Hall, was organized by the association
Youth for Christ Italia in partnership with the community of the Baptist church
Impatto A Budrio.
Some parents came too to help in the painting work to be involved with their children in an experience to serve their community.
Exch@nge - the organisers explain - has the vision to offer Italian teenagers a healthy place in which they can experience growth
through an exchange with their American peers each enriching the other.
Kids from Houston, from the Baptist Church
Bethel of Houston, came to meet their new friends in Budrio.
This Service Project - conclude the organizers - wants to promote actively seeking the welfare of our community and the desire to look after each other as a practical response to the many blessings we receive from the Lord!