Saturday, 25 February 2017

Baptismal Service for Marco

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have
a Baptismal Service for Marco.

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the main room in
Le Torri dell'Acqua, the theatre&modern art-gallery right at the centre of Budrio, well known as a cultural meeting point.

At 4.30pm Stefano will start
our service introducing the
Lord's Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Marco will share his testimony of how the Lord called him and saved him and Justin will preach from Romans 6:3-11.

Join us in praying for this great Gospel opportunity where many friends and family members will hear the transforming power of Jesus' salvation!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

MySpace Club 4 Teens - Purpose!

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have
the My Space Club 4 Teens
we offer during the school-year.

We organize this club for local kids,
in partnership with Budrio Town Hall
as part of their after-school programme.

In this way we have a fantastic room with a courtyard in Budrio Library and the social workers are sending some of the kids they follow. As part of our club, we also offer help
with their English home-works.


Together we'll engage with the YfC Rock Solid material,
interacting with the theme: Purpose!
We'll play lots of fun & interactive games like: The WaterBottleFlip Challenge, What's your purpose? My purpose?, Plaster Tag, The Akinator, The hairbrush Vs the toothbrush, Sense of Purpose, Blowing like the wind, The Sat Nav directions, Guided Search, Fulfil your Purpose, Wrong directions?, which will serve as illustrations to Stefano's Talk from Matthew 22:36-40!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

App Genesis - Mid-Week Bible Study - Genesis 14-15

Tomorrow evening we'll continue with
App Genesis (Applying Genesis), 
our series of Mid-Week Bible Studies in which we'll keep interacting & applying what we're learning through the preaching in our Sunday Morning services.

Stefano will lead this time where as 
church-family we'll engage with what 
we are studying from the book of 
Genesis chapters 14-15!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Lighthouse Budrio - Cooking Italian Classes

Tomorrow morning we'll launch Lighthouse Budrio, a new programme in partnership with YfC Italy to work amongst under-age asylum seekers in Budrio.

In September 2016 the 2nd biggest HUB for under-age asylum seekers in the Bologna area has been opened in Budrio. At the moment they host 35 kids, mostly from African countries, 27 of whom are Muslims.

Tomorrow we'll start the first project we'll offer as church. Stefano will help Franco, a retired pastry chef from our church, to start cooking classes to teach Italian culture in a fun way. Please pray for us as we'll share Jesus' love and hope with these kids and staff while cooking and eating together!

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Uncover Luke 4 older teens - Evidence D: Look who’s coming to dinner

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have Uncover Luke,
a programme 4 older teens to help them
interacting with the Gospel!
We run these meetings once a month in the Café of the theatre we use for our Sunday meetings as church.

Uncover - See for Yourself!, is an interactive Bible Study for Young Adults created by UCCF to engage with Luke's Gospel, which was written as an investigation into the life and purpose of Jesus Christ. Uncover will help us to investigate Jesus’ claims and experience the life he offers.

Tomorrow we'll engage with Luke 18:31-19:10 and we'll see that Jesus says he has come to seek and to save the lost. Will we welcome him? Or despise him for saying it?

Sunday Service @ Logos Church Florence

Tomorrow Stefano will be with our friends
from Chiesa Evangelica Logos
for their Sunday morning service.
It will be great to fellowship with them
on The Lord's Day!
Stefano will preach from Genesis 1:1-2:3 engaging especially with the first 3 verses of chapter 2 where we'll see God
creating a Space for rest and a Time for rest!

Together we'll see how Jesus alone can offer us the rest
we long so much!

Sunday Service: Genesis 16

Tomorrow we'll have our morning service
to worship God together and to proclaim
His Word in Budrio.

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the main room in
Le Torri dell'Acqua, the theatre&modern art-gallery right at the centre of Budrio, well known as a cultural meeting point.

At 10.30 we'll start our service continuing our series on the book of Genesis.
With Justin we'll engage with Chapters 16
A quest of freedom Vs slavery!
We'll be exposed to the beauty of Christ
who freed once for all from our slavery to sin, in order to live and to testify to the world His true freedom!

Nino & Jenny will lead our children's programme based on
The Gospel Project, in which week by week kids engage
with the same passages from Genesis and families will have activities to keep interacting with God's Word during the week!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

MySpace Club 4 Teens - Forgiveness!

This afternoon we'll have
the My Space Club 4 Teens
we offer during the school-year.
We organize this club for local kids,
in partnership with Budrio Town Hall
as part of their after-school programme.

In this way we have a fantastic room with a courtyard in Budrio Library and the social workers are sending some of the kids they follow. As part of our club, we also offer help
with their English home-works.


Together we'll engage with the YfC Rock Solid material,
interacting with the theme: Forgiveness!

We'll play lots of fun & interactive games like: ChairBall, Put Your Life in Order, Maura's Shopping List, How Much Can You Handle?, Scars, Invictus: Reconciliation Starts Here!, Forgive&Forget, Real Deal, Pyramid Effect, Plaster Tag, The Power of Forgiveness, which will serve as illustrations to Stefano's Talk from Matthew 6:9-15!

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Christianity Explored @ Le Torri Lounge

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have our monthly
Christianity Explored Course,
for every age-group!

Christianity Explored is a great way to give people space and time to think about the big questions of life.

We run these public meetings hosted by the Café of the theatre we use for our Sunday meetings as church!

Tomorrow with Stefano we'll engage with Mark 8:17-29 Jesus' Death.

Over 10 sessions in Mark's Gospel, we'll find out about the life and the teachings of the person at the heart of the Christian faith - Jesus Christ.

Sunday Service: Genesis 15

Tomorrow we'll have our morning service
to worship God together and to proclaim
His Word in Budrio.

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the main room in
Le Torri dell'Acqua, the theatre&modern art-gallery right at the centre of Budrio, well known as a cultural meeting point.

At 10.30 we'll start our service continuing our series on the book of Genesis.
With Stefano we'll engage with Chapters 15
Faith in the Word & Hope in the Promise!
We'll be exposed to the beauty of Christ
who isn't only the goal of God's Promise to Abraham, but The One who continues to fulfil God's saving work in justifying by faith
(Galatians 3 + Romans 4)!

Nazario & Maria will lead our children's programme based on The Gospel Project, in which week by week kids engage
with the same passages from Genesis and families will have activities to keep interacting with God's Word during the week!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

MySpace Club 4 Teens - Real Love!

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have
the My Space Club 4 Teens
we offer during the school-year.

We organize this club for local kids,
in partnership with Budrio Town Hall
as part of their after-school programme.

In this way we have a fantastic room with a courtyard in Budrio Library and the social workers are sending some of the kids they follow. As part of our club, we also offer help
with their English home-works.


Tomorrow we'll engage with the YfC Rock Solid material,
anticipating Valentine's Day, we'll talk about: Real Love!

We'll play lots of fun & interactive games like: Fruit Head, Fruit Salad, What do you love about Pipe Cleaner modelling, 
What is Love?, Love your Neighbour, 
Give a little love, The Book of Love, 
Let's talk about Real Love, Make your choice, Would you still love me the same?, Pyramid Effect, Standing Strong, Real Deal, which will serve as illustrations to Stefano's Talk from John 3:16!

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Prayer Meeting & FaceTime with South Korea

Tomorrow evening we'll have our mid-week
prayer and envisioning meeting.
We'll have a time of prayer for G. a man in our church-family who is undergoing a delicate surgery this week!

Then we'll have a FaceTime with South Korea
with Giuseppe & Sun-min!

Giuseppe did an internship programme last year with us in Budrio after his missional experience in Senegal with WEC Italy.

At the moment Giuseppe is doing a year of theological and missional training at the EastWest Bible College in New Zealand which specifically prepares Christian workers for cross-cultural service!

We're really looking forward to speak with him and his South Korean girlfriend Sun-min
and to learn about the Lord's projects for them!

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Sunday Service: Genesis 14

Tomorrow we'll have our morning service
to worship God together and to proclaim
His Word in Budrio.

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the main room in
Le Torri dell'Acqua, the theatre&modern art-gallery right at the centre of Budrio, well known as a cultural meeting point.

At 10.30 we'll start our service continuing our series on the book of Genesis.
With Stefano we'll engage with Chapters 14
Kings & Priests!
We'll be exposed to the beauty of Christ:
our Priestly King after the order of Melchizedek (Psalm 110:4) who has made us kings & priests (Revelation 1:5-6),
to proclaim the excellencies of him
who called us out of darkness
into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9)!

Giovanni & Maura will lead our children's programme based on The Gospel Project, in which week by week kids engage
with the same passages from Genesis and families will have activities to keep interacting with God's Word during the week!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

MySpace Club 4 Teens - Count the Cost!

Tomorrow afternoon we'll have
the My Space Club 4 Teens
we offer during the school-year.
We organize this club for local kids,
in partnership with Budrio Town Hall
as part of their after-school programme.

In this way we have a fantastic room with a courtyard in Budrio Library and the social workers are sending some of the kids they follow. As part of our club, we also offer help
with their English home-works.


Tomorrow we'll engage with the YfC Rock Solid material,
interacting with the theme: Count the Cost!

We'll play lots of fun & interactive games like: Pennydrop, Worth it?, Is it worth Bing Bong?, Let's Chat, Follow Me!, Ready to Risk it all?, Hidden Cost, Counting the Cost, The Real Deal, which will serve as illustrations to Stefano's Talk from
Luke 24:25-33!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Family Time - Movie&PopCorn - Amazing Grace

Tomorrow for our monthly  
Family Time meeting
we'll have a Movie&PopCorn evening.

As a perfect follow-up of the time we had at
the Budrio Walk of Peace last week,
we decided to watch the movie Amazing Grace,
about the campaign against slave trade in the British Empire, led by William Wilberforce.

The movie also recounts the experiences of John Newton, who played a major influence on Wilberforce and the abolition movement. The story of his conversion from his past as a crewman on a slave ship, inspired his writing of the well-known hymn.