Union with Christ is the centre of the gospel. It’s been called the central doctrine of salvation. This course will teach you how the profound truth of a Christian's union and identity with Christ drives us to mission and joy in him. All that Christ has achieved for his people is ours through our union with him. Heart change and mission flow out of who Jesus is, and how we are bound to him by faith. This course will teach you to understand and enjoy your relationship with Jesus in everyday life on mission.
Stefano & Jennifer Mariotti
Monday, 24 February 2025
Discipleship Groups
Union with Christ is the centre of the gospel. It’s been called the central doctrine of salvation. This course will teach you how the profound truth of a Christian's union and identity with Christ drives us to mission and joy in him. All that Christ has achieved for his people is ours through our union with him. Heart change and mission flow out of who Jesus is, and how we are bound to him by faith. This course will teach you to understand and enjoy your relationship with Jesus in everyday life on mission.
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Sunday Service: Psalm 18 - Saved by the Lord!

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the meeting room at the social center Magnolia, a well known cultural meeting point right at the centre of Budrio.
Friday, 21 February 2025
Theology for Breakfast
Tomorrow we'll continue
our series of meetings:
Theology for Breakfast!
Following Luther's Table Talks example, we'll meet from 9 to 11am @ Central Café in Mezzolara where, while enjoying a breakfast with capuccino & croissants, we'll engage with
God's Word discovering the beauty of theology in our everyday life!
Together we'll interact with the module: Union with Christ, concluding Unit 4. Sanctification.
Union with Christ is the centre of the gospel. It’s been called the central doctrine of salvation. This course will teach you how the profound truth of a Christian's union and identity with Christ drives us to mission and joy in him. All that Christ has achieved for his people is ours through our union with him. Heart change and mission flow out of who Jesus is, and how we are bound to him by faith. This course will teach you to understand and enjoy your relationship with Jesus in everyday life on mission.
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Sunday Service: Psalm 17 - Persevering in the Lord!

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the meeting room at the social center Magnolia, a well known cultural meeting point right at the centre of Budrio.
Monday, 10 February 2025
One to One discipleship Groups
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Sunday Service: Psalm 16 - Satisfied in the Lord!

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the meeting room at the social center Magnolia, a well known cultural meeting point right at the centre of Budrio.
Monday, 3 February 2025
Dinner & Prayer - Home Family Groups
Once a month, we meet as a church family in 3 Home Family Groups, 2 in Budrio and 1 in Molinella.
We'll dine together sharing the many good foods brought by everyone and we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper, with a missional family prayer time involving little ones and grown ups together.
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Preaching at Christ Alone Church in Ravenna
Tomorrow afternoon Stefano will be with our friends from Christ Alone Church in Ravenna for their Sunday service.
Manuel Morelli, pastor of the church, is part like us of the European Mission Felloship, whose goal is to support the planting and nurturing of local churches in Europe.
Firstly Stefano will teach at their study meeting on Biblical Awarenss and then he'll preach from Psalm 6: Prayers and tears heard!
Sunday Service: Visiting Preacher - Manuel Morelli

We are glad for the Lord's provision of the meeting room at the social center Magnolia, a well known cultural meeting point right at the centre of Budrio.
At 10.15 we'll start our service and Manuel Morelli, EMF missionary and pastor of the Christ Alone Church in Ravenna, will preach on: "Christian Thankfulness" from Luke 17:10-21.
During the service we'll have a children's club where kids will engage with the same Bible passage.
We will celebrate the Lord's Supper, sharing bread and wine as a church family, proclaiming the death and resurrection of the Lord, until he comes!
After the service, we'll have a fellowship lunch, where we'll share together the many good foods prepared by everyone!