Five churches from the Bologna Area will join together: Nuova Vita, Forte Torre, San Lazzaro, Sasso Marconi and Nuova Speranza.
A special presence will be the team of American teens from College Church in Wheaton (Chicago) that worked so hard alongside us in running this "English Camp" to reach out Italian kids!
We expect about 150 people and we are really praying the Lord that all the Italian kids were at the camp will come with their parents.
Following the Camp's theme,
where we watched clips from the movie
"The Hunger Games" and the book of Isaiah,
Stefano will preach on Isaiah 53:1-7.
We'll see how Jesus' atoning sacrifice for us is far greater than Katniss fro her sister Prim.
Jesus entered in our world of lost sheep,
he became like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers.
But His substitutionary atonement it's not like of someone be ready to lay his life for a loved one,
in His death we saw the death of death, and in His resurrection we can now be healed and have peace with God!
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