Friday, 14 December 2018

Christmas Outreach - Day 3 - Reformation lesson: Luther & Christmas!

Tomorrow morning,
Stefano & with the team from 
Bethel Church from Houston, Texas,
will be @ Budrio High School.

We'll speak to two 4th year classes
during their English lesson
about the history of Reformation -
Luther & Christmas

We'll start our presentation with some clips from the Luther movie, when in 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door.
Yet, our main goal is to engage students with the 5 Solas of Reformation which still today is a great summary of who we are and what we believe!

Then we'll explain how Jesus' extraordinary Gospel of Grace transform ordinary people who live ordinary lives to have a passion for sharing Jesus' love to their community till today!

Luther loved Christmas because it mirrors so many elements of the gospel story itself. To him, the tradition of giving gifts to children on Christmas Eve was an opportunity to educate them on the gift of grace that God had wrapped in a little human baby delivered to - and also in - a manger… just for them. It was a perfect moment to emphasize the miracle of incarnation. It still is.

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