Thursday, 1 July 2021

Exchange Camp - DAY4 - The King’s everlasting Kingdom

4th day at the 2021 English Sport Camp Exchange Budrio.

This morning Stefano led our fourth Talk from Psalm 110, showing kids how, contrarily to Simba who firstly reluctantly and then enthusiastically takes his role as king, Jesus is the everlasting King of Peace and the eternal Priest, who God appointed to save by grace and to judge with justice!

American students in every group answered to this question: How do you celebrate in your life the fact that Jesus is on your side?



Today we played the finals of Soccer, American Football & Volley.

Every afternoon Jenny teaches conversational English and kids have the opportunity to engage with mother tongue speakers.

We’re also inviting kids to our MySpace and Seekers Clubs we run during the school term. Join us in praying that kids and their families will see Jesus’ love for them through these acts of service and through every Gospel Talk!

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