Thursday, 16 February 2023

MySpace Club 4 Teens - Stressed Out? School


Tomorrow afternoon we'll have our
My Space Club 4 Teens
for this school year.

We organize this club for local kids,
in partnership with Budrio Town Hall
as part of their after-school programme.

In this way, we've been given a room in Budrio's Library and social workers are sending some of the kids they follow. 
As part of our club, we also offer help
with their English home-works.


Together we'll engage with the YfC Rock Solid material, interacting with the theme: Stressed Out? School

We'll play lots of fun games like: Left/Right, Messy Modelling, School Chats, Under Pressure, The Stress Scale, Refuge!, Listen Up, Helping Stress, which will serve as illustrations to Stefano's Talk from 1 Peter 5:7

Sometimes life gets pretty tough and pretty stressful and sometimes that’s to do with school. But the amazing thing is that in times where everything feels super overwhelming, God cares and He wants us to come to Him. We can turn to God as a safe space and a refuge. In God, we can find peace and joy and a fresh perspective on things, because  God is ultimately in control and He is where perfect peace comes from: “Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.1 Peter 5:7

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