Monday 5 August 2024

Special Olympics 2024 - Movie Night

This week, during the 2024 Paris Olympics, as a church family we'll be watching the old but gold movie Chariots of Fire which tells the story of Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams, two British sprinters, who participated in the 1924 Olympics. Liddell as Christian sees running as a way to give glory to God, but when he finds out that his 100-metre qualifying race will take place on a Sunday, the Lord's Day, he decides not to participate despite strong pressure from the British delegation. The situation is resolved by a teammate who gives up his place in the 400-metre qualification, allowing Liddell to compete and win the gold medal. After the Olympics, Liddell gave up success and fame to become a missionary in China where he died for the Lord in 1945 during World War II.

To explore more the testimony and message of Liddell's life, we suggest the article: "The Untold Story of Olympic Champion Eric Liddell" in The Gospel Coalition website, which is a review of Duncan Hamilton's book: "For the Glory: Eric Liddell's Journey from Olympic Champion to Modern Martyr"

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