Monday 24 February 2014

Sunday Service in Budrio - updates

Yesterday morning we had our second Sunday service in Budrio.
10 of us gathered together, all locals yet from different generations and backgrounds, some Christians and some genuinely searching, and for some the very first time they've heard the Gospel being presented to them.

The room we rented in the café of
Le Torri dell'Acqua, the theatre and modern art-gallery of Budrio was warm and welcoming and it helps in being visible as church-plant in the local community.
Some people were reading and commenting the sign we put at the entrance with the Bible text from Acts.

We had a nice "family time" at 10.00 with coffee, cakes and juices.

At 10.30 we stared our service interacting with Acts 1:1-11.
The title was: 2 promises to be fulfilled!

We saw that a promise it's like a bridge between
the past (when the promise was made) and
the future (when the promise will be fulfilled or failed).
The fulfilment of the promise will tell us about the character of whom made the promise.

We saw that Luke, the author of Acts, was himself a bridge between Jews and Gentiles and that we can identify with Theophilus. Like him we never saw Jesus or Paul but we can read Luke's faithful accounts.
In the end we saw that Jesus can be trusted because He keeps his promises and that He's still sending His disciples to be bridges for his Gospel to the end of the earth.
In order to visualise all of this we built up together some bridges :-)

We had that a time of prayer for our "Jerusalem": such as the food-bank collection in Budrio this Saturday. Then we prayed for our "neighbours": our colleagues and the nearby churches.
Finally we prayed for "the end of the earth": the Arkansas team coming next month for outreach.

We've been really encouraged, and looking forwards next meeting!

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