Sunday 26 May 2024

Teaching Biblical Anthropology @ Evangelical Bible Institute in Rome


From Monday until Friday, Stefano and Jenny will be teaching together a course on Biblical Anthropology at the Evangelical Bible Institute in Rome. 

Join us in praying for the time we spend with the students (we have 21 hours together) that it may be helpful for them and for their future ministry.

There isn’t a lot of material in Italian so we will be going through a study guide we spent last August preparing for them.

These are the topics we’ll teach:

Biblical anthropology from a Christological perspective.

God’s original design.

The essential nature of man.

The corruption of God’s original design.

The First Adam and the Last Adam.

Overview of Biblical Anthropology in the Old Testament - OT Case Studies.

Overview of New Testament Biblical Anthropology - NT Case Studies.

Complementarian and Egalitarian positions 

Hermeneutics and comparative exegetics of key texts.

Men and Women of God.

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